23 July 2006…Yahoo Messenger
Eaji Sh0gun (Faizal) was chatting with his girlfriend (will be – Nordayanti) and at the same time the Love Cupid was also interviewed him.
nordayanti: back to da topic before this (sorry guys…didn’t managed to get the copy)
nordayanti: kalau kita couple, there’ll be celebr8ions from may until august???
nordayanti: whooaa….siti pun xmcm nie….hahhaha
nordayanti: celebra8 sakan….sampai 4 bulan (22 May-our friendship started, 18 June- My bufday, 16 July- Ur bufday, and 1 August- our anniversary)
eaji shogun: we like that!!!
(This part Eaji Shogun was interviewed by the Love Cupid (Nordayanti)
nordayanti: ko xkuar??
eaji shogun: nak kuar ngan sape..
nordayanti: ngan awek ko laa saper lg…
eaji shogun: awek aku duk jauh..pastu mak bapak dia x kasi kuar time cuti…kene gi shopping ngan mak katenye
nordayanti: opppsss…sowie…pity u...apesal xcr sparepart??
eaji shogun: mahal…awek aku one of a kind…no one like her..
nordayanti: mesti ade punya
eaji shogun: so nak cari sparepart susah
nordayanti: awek ko stok bini ker?? stok geli2??
eaji shogun: x tahu lg...
nordayanti: oic…haa... klu dah xtau apesal nak setia sgt…pi laa cr lain dulu.??
eaji shogun: blum rase nak wat bini..tp bukan sekadar geli2
nordayanti: ko pasti ker awek ko sesuai tuk ko?
eaji shogun: aku x tahu..tp thats the fun part..
nordayanti: naper plak?? nie couple xsengaja ker?
eaji shogun: amik risiko..kalau aku betul mmg berbaloi..
nordayanti: btul aper?
eaji shogun: mane ade org sengaja couple..itu couple geli2!! yg x sengaja tu bukan geli2 punye brand
nordayanti: ko kenal dia dah lama ker?
eaji shogun: ada la 3 bulan lebih kurang..
nordayanti: r u sure that u know her well which makes u fall in love with her??
eaji shogun: nope..but u can nvr tell wif love..sumtimes it just happens without warning and u just have to go wit the flow
nordayanti: tp be4 this dia penah citer kat ko pasal budak yg dia admire kan??
eaji shogun: soo..
nordayanti: so whut did u feel that time?
eaji shogun: aku adalah aku..org tersebut adalah org lain.. i have to trust myself that being me is all i need 2 be..to win her heart
nordayanti: yelah... whut made u tiba2 nak luahkan pada awek ko sedangkan ko tahu time tue dia suka org lain??
eaji shogun: i dont know..just felt right…like god was guiding my hand when i msg her
nordayanti: if she could hear u right now, whut would u say to her??
eaji shogun: i knew tat my heart would reach hers… id tell her she’s the most wonderful person i know
eaji shogun: that she’s the best thing that could ever happened to me…that i dont know wat i would do witout her in my arms…that i think about her evrytime i wake up, go to bed and in between…and i'll tell her that i want her to be mine..
nordayanti: have she confessed her love for u???
eaji shogun: not yet..
nordayanti: how sure r u that she'll say yes??
eaji shogun: i have a feeling
nordayanti: but whut if all this while she's just being a pretender...
eaji shogun: then its just another chapter in the story of my life…life goes on i guess
nordayanti: good…would u comfort her all the time??
eaji shogun: whenever she needs me..
nordayanti: be a good listener to her, as she loves mumbling a lot
eaji shogun: i love to listen to any ramblings..
nordayanti: understands her whenever she says yes or no??
eaji shogun: i'll nvr question her wishes if she nvr questions mine
nordayanti: will u take her family as ur own family and respects them??
eaji shogun: i respect all my elders n love my siblings
nordayanti: will u put ur eyes to other women??
eaji shogun: my eyes are only for her....but occasionaly yes..as a man i think tats very natural
nordayanti: good... i love confession
nordayanti: back to da story
nordayanti: will u be faithful to her?
eaji shogun: yes..
nordayanti: will u accept her as what she is now?
eaji shogun: as long as she is faithful 2 me..
eaji shogun: yes..i’ll accept all her flaws and attributes.. No ones perfect
nordayanti: if its written that, one day she has no leg (minta2 xde laa kan) will u be the leg for her??
eaji shogun: i will carry her on my back till my legs break
nordayanti: so sweet...larat ker??
eaji shogun: like i said..till my legs break..
nordayanti: ok…will u be patient with all her acts and characteristics???
eaji shogun: im a vry patient person..like i said no ones perfect.. but I’m expecting the equal treatment!
nordayanti: last question... will u change urself from u used to be just for her sake?
eaji shogun: i'll only change watever i see as a flaw in myself.. but if i believe tat it is not a flaw, i will nvr change it…..i am who i am….if i changed who i am, I’m not the person she loves anymore
nordayanti: GOOD!!
nordayanti: just be urself
nordayanti: its just a tricky Q for u
eaji shogun: i knowwww...
nordayanti: i'll tell her everything that u've told me just now, once i meet her
eaji shogun: u better do that…
nordayanti: btw, what’s her full name n DOB??
eaji shogun: her full name is nordayanti bt rosli.. dob is 18th june 1984
nordayanti: GOshhh!!!!
nordayanti: I didn't expect u knew her father's name too
eaji shogun: i make it my business to know the little things
nordayanti: sure u do
nordayanti: i'll tell her that
eaji shogun: u’d better..
nordayanti: just spoke to nordayanti binti rosli on da fon 5 mins ago
eaji shogun: n wat did she say?
nordayanti: she asked me to tell u that
eaji shogun: tell me that...
nordayanti: whutever u expect to receive from her, she asked da same thing too
nordayanti: give n take….
eaji shogun: i expect the same
nordayanti: she also said that, u r da one she has been waited for so long
nordayanti: she’ll be the BEST gf as she can be
eaji shogun: does this mean she'll take me as her bf?
nordayanti: not yet….probably
nordayanti: not until she has made the final decision this 1st august
eaji shogun: okie dokie!!…i'll just ponder my fate till then
nordayanti: just dont do anything that will make any changes in her mind till that date…
eaji shogun: i hope not
nordayanti: n finally, she said that SHE MISSES U SOOOOO MUUUCCCHHH
eaji shogun: tell her that I RLY RLY RLY RLY MISS HER TOO!!
nordayanti: ok i will
eaji shogun: owh and plz give her this for me..(hugges)
eaji shogun: this too..(kisses)
nordayanti: i'm sure she wanted me to give this to u too (hugges n kisses)
eaji shogun: tell her whatever decision she makes, i'll alwyz love her for whom she is
nordayanti: ok i'll tell her that
nordayanti: dont worry…i dont think, she'll let u down….but who knows.. i was't her
eaji shogun: who are u then??? An angel???
nordayanti: nope….love cupid…. i really got both of u
eaji shogun: brainn..hurting..arrkhhh..
Eaji shogun chit-chating with nordayanti
nordayanti: i'm back
nordayanti: ko ckp ngan saper td?
eaji shogun: with cupid…in my dream
nordayanti: apesal aku buzz buat dunno jer??
eaji shogun: i was unconsious
eaji shogun: i think..
eaji shogun: its all a blurrr
nordayanti: oic
eaji shogun: i think i just had an interview with cupid
nordayanti: now cupid is much more important than me laa….aku pun kena smlm…dlm mimpi gak
eaji shogun: i wouldnt know dear
eaji shogun: dia ckp apa dlm mimpi ko?
nordayanti: dia kata "i got both of u"... both of u meant for each other...just dont let anyone down...be faithful with ur feeling n confess it to him... u'll never regret!!!
eaji shogun: he told me the same thing..more or less
nordayanti: really??
eaji shogun: ya rly..
eaji shogun: but its all a blurrr..
nordayanti: gotta make sure its gonna be a great day with a great decision this 1st august
eaji shogun: but i cant shake the feeling that I’ve confessed sumthin
nordayanti: whut is it?
eaji shogun: hmm..i think it was important….but i cant remember
nordayanti: try to remeber plzz
eaji shogun: i think more or less i confessed that i..i...*blank*
eaji shogun: *pitam*
eaji shogun: ......
eaji shogun: ..........
eaji shogun: ..........
nordayanti: haaa??
nordayanti: aku xpaham laa
eaji shogun: .....
eaji shogun: ........
eaji shogun: ........
nordayanti: hey.. ko pitam tul2 ker nie?
eaji shogun: .....
eaji shogun: .......
eaji shogun: ........
nordayanti: ya rite
nordayanti: xkan leh type
eaji shogun: huh..huh..wat happen?
eaji shogun: man..what a trippy dream
nordayanti: jahat tau….ingatkan naper td...
eaji shogun: i was there...n so were u..n that guy..owh..and that guy there..ooh ooh..and that person there
eaji shogun: ooh ooh..i saw an angel..
eaji shogun: man it was so weeeeiiirrddd!!
nordayanti: whoaaa
eaji shogun: tiba2 je dlm mimpi tu aku pitam..pastu trus sedar!
nordayanti: u better get a cup of coffee…cappucino maybe
eaji shogun: maybe i shud..
nordayanti: td aku bc zodiak tau….dia kata aku elemen api….ko air….pasal tue sesuai sgt
eaji shogun: mane tau ni?
nordayanti: aku mmg suka baca2 zodiak nie
nordayanti: baca jer la….percaya ker tak.. tak tau lagi
eaji shogun: bintang ko apa?
nordayanti: aku gemini
nordayanti: ko sign ketam
nordayanti: aku sign twins
eaji shogun: aku saje try love match test… (http://www.sunncity.com/horoscope/LoveMatch.asp)
nordayanti: love match test?
eaji shogun: results...drum roll plzz!!
eaji shogun: REDHOT!!!
nordayanti: means?
eaji shogun: jap aku nak copy apa dia tulis
eaji shogun: the combination of star signs insure an xtremely hot, fiery and intense relationship. u both share the need for a strong physical presence, which makes u a fiesty combination as well as forming a strong bond between the two of u. u have the potential for a long, bright future 2 gether, happy in the knowledge that u r SOUL MATES!!
nordayanti: aku suker!!!!opppsss….sungguh xmalu….heheheh
nordayanti: sampai ari nie aku pelik….mcm mana leh kawan…. then lost contact…then jumpa balik…then blind date….then fall in love with u
eaji shogun: i have no idea..fffrreaakkyyy!!
nordayanti: hahaha
eaji shogun: nooo.. i fall in love wit u first
nordayanti: u wouldn’t know kan?
eaji shogun: im pretty sure i fell in love wit u 1st..
nordayanti: lagipun mestilah
eaji shogun: nak jugak menang!!
nordayanti: xkan laa aku nak ckp aku suka ko dulu
eaji shogun: nenenene..
nordayanti: thats rly not me
nordayanti: i hope lepas 1ogos nie we will stay like this….even better
eaji shogun: i want to be wit u so badddd!!! cant stand it!!
nordayanti: i want to be with u too... to always stay in ur arms so that i didnt feel empty in my life
eaji shogun: i hate the waiting!!.. i know.. i'll build a time machine n go to the future!!
nordayanti: back to da future…hahaha
eaji shogun: i want to hold u in my arms n make u so comfortable that u fall asleep
nordayanti: of cuz u will , my teddy
eaji shogun: u r making me miss u..
eaji shogun: moooommm.. she’s making me miss her!!
nordayanti: dont blame me…u did da same too
nordayanti: makk!!! tgk peijal nie
eaji shogun: makcikkkk..tgk ar anak makcik ni..
eaji shogun: aa..dia buat sy syg kat dia..aaaa..
nordayanti: pakcik....anak pakcik dah angau... saya jugaa!!!
eaji shogun: yanti my love...
nordayanti: yes faizal my sweetheart
eaji shogun: i heart u..
nordayanti: i heart u too
nordayanti: waahhhooaa
nordayanti: finally
nordayanti: wlupun xdirectly
nordayanti: i'll tell u why i like u
eaji shogun: Tell me…
nordayanti: ko suka layan aku bercerita
nordayanti: ko lebih pandai dr aku
nordayanti: KO SUKA SPEAKING NGAN AKU n correct me sumtime
eaji shogun: and im very cute + hensem!!! J
nordayanti: nanti laaa… bg laa aku habis type…saper suka saper skrang???
eaji shogun: I’ll b quiet now...shhh..
nordayanti: heheheh….good
nordayanti: sbb ko quite gentleman….romantic n not soooooo romantic (klu terlampau romantic pun RIMAS!!!)
nordayanti: handsome…cute…comel… J
nordayanti: lagik tinggi dr aku….always support me ….u’ll be my strength
nordayanti: asal orang KL gak…….heheheh
eaji shogun: ppssttt...blh ckp blum?
nordayanti: blum…shhhhh
nordayanti: the 3 main things that makes u so special are
nordayanti: ok…dah leh ckp
eaji shogun: awwwwww (hugges & kisses)
eaji shogun: n i do love u that much..even more each day...
nordayanti: klu dulu, aku couple still ade rase nak pandang orng lain tau
nordayanti: i mean yg dekat2 ngan aku
nordayanti: yg suka pandang2 n jeling2
nordayanti: but now, i can say to myself, i already have faizal n i dont want anyone else except my family n fwens laa
eaji shogun: aww..im so lucky to have u babe..
nordayanti: me too
nordayanti: tp lum lagik….hehheheeh
eaji shogun: ur killing me with the waiting babe!!
nordayanti: ko xpenah tanya why i chose 1 august n not 31 july kan??
eaji shogun: yes..i wonder that too
nordayanti: baruu nak tanya….ceh
eaji shogun: i alwyz tot because of the month thingie
nordayanti: nope…it is bcoz u r well known with no interest to remember dates
nordayanti: so….i simply choose 1 august because
nordayanti: u just have to remember 1 date for 2 most important events in my life
nordayanti: my dob….1806…n if we couple, its gonna be 1806 too
eaji shogun: cute..vry cute..
eaji shogun: yet im offended u think i'll 4get!
nordayanti: i didnt say that :-p…..just wanna make it easier for u…
eaji shogun: hehe..just kidding..
nordayanti: smart huh??…kebetulan plak
eaji shogun: yes..yes u are..ur my own personal genius!!
nordayanti: lagipun xclash ngan saper2 punya beday….klu x, nanti org tue dpt 1 present jer next time celebr8
eaji shogun: ur love is all the present i need...ok..i lied….i want presents too!!
nordayanti: akulah yg demam…selang 2 minggu jer….kena beli hadiah lagik
nordayanti: well, its ok….having u its priceless
eaji shogun: oh baby..u have no idea how much i miss u..
eaji shogun: god..miss u so much right now!
nordayanti: i do have that idea of u missing me that much coz i'm feeling da same way too
nordayanti: oklah dear… dah lama kita chat nie…talk to u later, k??
eaji shogun: bye2 babe...miss u luv u..
nordayanti: hehehe…bye…misss uuuu
Sunday, August 06, 2006
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